Hungarian mythology speaks of twin brothers who see a White Stag while hunting and chase it. Along the way they find wives and explore new lands until they finally reach the land that would become Hungary; the rich Carpathian basin.


At twenty one and twenty six my parents chased their "White Stag" across the ocean, from then communist Hungary in 1956, to the United States and freedom and opportunity.
Aha Moment
My journey working for others' successes lead me to
the aha moment.
I wanted to build our own brand
and experience.
White Stag Winery is named in honor of those dream chasers.

What's Your
White Stag?
What do you long to do, to accomplish, to reach?
What's your White Stag? It's time to go out and find it.
You never know where the
Stag will lead you!